I’m looking forward to a very busy 2024 with pottery studio tours and gallery exhibits already scheduled. The Duluth Art Institute is hosting my workshop All Things Porcelain April 12-13 and very much looking forward to meeting clay makers in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. My first show is with a group 60 Artists on 50th in Minneapolis and many of my dear friends are also exhibiting. My first pottery tour for 2024 is The Clay Collective, May 4-5, as a guest of Michael Schael and then joining Nancy Gardner at her studio in Forest Park for the Northern Illinois Pottery tour June 8-9. I’m returning as a guest artist at the Cannon River Pottery Tour, August 17-18 at Colleen Riley and Donavan Palmquist’s studio and a guest at Ken Bichell’s studio for the Twenty Dirty Hands Pottery Tour, October 18-20.
My work will be featured at One 10 Gallery in July, Seasons Gallery in September and the Yunomi Invitational ClayAKAR in their August online exhibit.
The long delayed reopening of my web shop is near but in the meantime, please support the wonderful galleries that feature my work.
Finally, I will share with great happiness, the first firing of Mini-Puff, the latest and best version of my fiber kiln building adventures.
The Stone Barn Arts studio updates, the custom built spray booth has been installed and work on my new fiber kiln is nearing completion. I recently purchased a Dickerson Combination Etching, Litho and Monoprint press, 24 x 48-inches for the 2-D studio and it’s ready to roll.
Click here to view photos and follow the progress of the Stone Barn Arts project.

Forming function is a dance, often a tug-of-war between thought and object making.
Add to this dialogue the sheer joy of working with clay as materially responsive as porcelain and surfaces only possible through glass fusion and a dynamic is created which has become a life-long fascination.